Assalamu Alaikum. Aashiq is doing his Phd in CMU, Pennsylvania. He had completed his Masters from Stanford university . He was working with one of the top blue chip companies in the Bay area. . He is a smart, ambitious , compassionate, value driven, hard working, fun loving person. His schooling was in one of the premier schools in India and had been consistently a school topper, Presidents Gold Medallist at IIT, won many accolades and awards for both curricular and extra curricular activities, was a SN Bose, Tata and Mahindra scholar . He practices the principles laid down by the Quran, He moved to USA in the year 2016. His brother is a Medical doctor and his Sister is working in a multinational company after her MBA from IIM. His father is an entrepreneur with BTech, MBA, Phd and Mother is an engineer from NIT who is actively involved in social reforms. Both his parents are from well known traditional families in Kerala.Settled in Bangalore. Looking for a compatible partner... more working/ studying in USA.