A keen cook - love fusion of cuisines. I try making all sorts of food, and most turn out interesting to say the least!
I quite enjoy being active. When the weather is nice, going up on hikes in the Cotswolds on a weekend, mountain cycling, and squash are some of my activities.
I'm a data scientist based in the UK. I spent my summers in the UK while growing up and did my education in India till A levels.
I quite enjoy, and also have to travel - for work, family, and friends.
Museums and contemporary art have a strong appeal for me, and I like to do some sketching and abstract painting myself.
Quite enjoy the odd board game or video game night with friends. Im more of a quiet social person, but value relaxed times indoors.
I enjoy music and audiobooks - most genres appeal to me but fantasy novels and melodic electronic music seems to be the staple diet.
I am a Hafiz. I'm currently
... more rediscovering what faith means to me and expanding my spirituality. I've written a shot story about it, if you are interested - I will share it with you.
Anyway, that's a lot about me for now - if you've read through all that just message me and let's learn what it's like to be us