In awe of Allah(SWT), practicing Islam to the best of my capability and always striving to improve. I pray 5 times a day, fast, and pay my zakah. Took my early education in an Islamic school and learning more everyday. In terms of my priorities, first is my relationship with my Creator, second is the well-being of my family, and third is my career. I posses a Canadian Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a soft heart. I like to stay fit, have meaningful conversations with family and close friends, listen to the tafseer of the holy Quran, and to cook.
lifestyle & appearance
Doesn't Drink
Doesn't Smoke
Muslim, Bengali
Bengali, Bangladeshi
Offers Namaz five times, fasts on Ramadan, practises Zakat
Zakaat is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Practicing zakaat is considered a means of purifying one's wealth and one's soul.
Lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Permanent Resident)