About Self- On the educational front, I have always had a good academic record and extra curriculum. I have completed my MS in Automotive Engineering from the University of Michigan. My strong spirit and positive attitude guide me through life's many obstacles. I have been passionate about Automotive from my childhood and came to the US to pursue advanced Automotive engineering and for a better professional growth. At Present, I am working as a senior calibration engineer. I am into adventure and motor-sports and end my day working out to have a sound health.
My parents are retired teachers and living in Bangalore and my only sister is married and settled in the UK. I am looking for a simple and positive person who will be with me to share interests in all phases of life.
Manglik /Chevvai Dosham is determined by the position of the stars at the time of your birth. In case of Hindu marriages it is generally preferred that a Manglik person marries a Manglik person.
No Mangliks
Country Living inUSA
EducationMaster, Bachelor / Undergraduate
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