I am looking for a suitable partner for my daughter.
She has completed her Masters in USA and worked there for 5 years. Due to recession issues, she had to come back to India and currently staying in India. She currently received invitation for Canadian PR and looking for jobs. She also recently got her US tourist visa and willing to relocate to US/Canada
Manglik /Chevvai Dosham is determined by the position of the stars at the time of your birth. In case of Hindu marriages it is generally preferred that a Manglik person marries a Manglik person.
No Mangliks
Country Living inCanada
Residency StatusCitizen / Permanent Resident
EducationDoctorate, Master
Working WithPrivate Company, Government / Public Sector... more, Defense / Civil Services, Business / Self Employed
Profession AreaCivil Services / Law Enforcement, Advertising... more, Media & Entertainment, Engineering, Science, Medical & Healthcare, IT & Software Engineering, Corporate Professionals, Airline & Aviation, Administration & HR, Accounting, Banking & Finance
Working AsChartered Accountant, Banking Professional... more, IAS / IRS / IES / IFS, Law Enforcement Employee (Others), Advertising Professional, Entertainment Professional, Event Manager, Journalist, Media Professional, Public Relations Professional, Civil Engineer, Electronics / Telecom Engineer, Mechanical / Production Engineer, Non IT Engineer (Others), Biologist / Botanist, Science Professional (Others), Doctor, Medical Transcriptionist, Surgeon, Software Developer / Programmer, Software Consultant, Hardware & Networking professional, Software Professional (Others), CxO / Chairman / Director / President, VP / AVP / GM / DGM, Sr. Manager / Manager, Consultant / Supervisor / Team Leads, Team Member / Staff, Pilot / Co-Pilot, Other Airline Professional, Admin Professional, Human Resources Professional, Company Secretary, Accounting Professional (Others)
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