Hello, thanks for viewing my profile. Myself Name Visible on Login and I’m born and brought up in Pune, Maharashtra. I moved to United States in 2017 for professional growth and to explore new opportunities and experiences. I did my Master of Science in Automotive Engineering in Michigan and currently live in Ann Arbor, Michigan. At present, I work as an Automotive engineer. A kind heart and a bright smile would be an apt way to describe me.. An ideal match for me would be someone with whom I can enjoy the journey of life and who loves exploring the unexplored. I like hiking, biking, outdoor activities, camping etc. This profile is managed by me and my father. Feel free to connect. Thanks and have a nice day!
Religion / CommunityHindu:Maratha - All, Hindu:96 Kuli Maratha, Hindu:Maharashtrian
Mother TongueMarathi
Manglik / Chevvai dosham
Manglik /Chevvai Dosham is determined by the position of the stars at the time of your birth. In case of Hindu marriages it is generally preferred that a Manglik person marries a Manglik person.
No Mangliks
Gothra / GothramDon't include my Gothra
Country Living inUSA
Country Grew up inIndia
EducationMaster, Bachelor / Undergraduate
Premium Service
Premium Members are entitled to view horoscope details.