Name Visible on Login
Name Visible on Login is an intelligent and enterprising young man living in Nashville, TN, USA. He has a wide range of interests, including cooking, health, and fitness. A dog lover, he shares his home with Shelby, his beloved pet.
Name Visible on Login is affectionate, financially responsible, and highly respected in his professional life.
Family and Background
Originally from Chennai, India,
Name Visible on Login moved to the United States with his family in 1998 at the age of five and has completed all his education in the U.S. His immediate family includes an older brother who is a mechanical engineer, a mother who serves as a middle school principal, and a stepfather who is a nurse practitioner.
What He�s Looking For
Name Visible on Login is seeking a meaningful relationship with someone who shares his values and lifestyle preferences. He prefers to meet and date local women living in Nashville or its suburbs, as he does not believe in long-distance relationships. He is
... more looking for someone who is slim, attractive, well-educated, steadily employed, and goal oriented. Since Name Visible on Login follows a keto lifestyle that includes a meat-heavy diet, vegans may not be a suitable match.
Important Preferences
Name Visible on Login values compatibility and meaningful connections over traditional customs, so he is not interested in arranged marriages based on horoscope matching. If you have a marriage-eligible relative who is open to meeting and dating to explore compatibility, he would love to connect. Kindly refrain from reaching out with horoscope inquiries. In addition, we are only interested in local candidates. So please do not send inquiries from India or other countries.