ThName Visible on Logins for visiting my profile , here are few things about me.I am born and raised in India.I have done my schooling in Bihar ,bachelor's from Karnataka and moved to Canada to do Master's in 2019.After my studies,I was working as an engineer in McCormick, right now I am on break.
My Bio: I am Strong and kind, Ambitious, Smart & Straight forward.I am respectful to elders.I am very curious person and like to learn more things and explore new places.I love dressing up.Along with academics, I know household core such as Cooking,Cleaning.
Expectations from Partner:I am looking for person who is understanding ,patient, communicate and be respectful.
Doesn't like-Judgemental, Immature, Anger, Rigid personality, smoking.
One request is Only Bramhin - Bhumihar and individual living in North America can connect.ThName Visible on Logins for understanding, good luck with your search:)
Manglik /Chevvai Dosham is determined by the position of the stars at the time of your birth. In case of Hindu marriages it is generally preferred that a Manglik person marries a Manglik person.
No Mangliks
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Country Living inCanada
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