Hello, here is a quick introduction about my son is currently living in Union City, New Jersey, USA. As parents, we have taught our son to respect others and live life with a positive & progressive outlook. We are looking for a bride for our son who is family-oriented and knows her responsibilities towards both families. My son is very attractive, outgoing, smart, intelligent, and handsome with a positive attitude with a great personality. He loves to travel, camping, and love sports. We are sincerely looking to find a suitable match for our son.
Religion / CommunityHindu:Vaishnav - All, Hindu:Baniya, Jain
Mother TongueEnglish, Gujarati
Manglik / Chevvai dosham
Manglik /Chevvai Dosham is determined by the position of the stars at the time of your birth. In case of Hindu marriages it is generally preferred that a Manglik person marries a Manglik person.
No Mangliks
Country Living inUSA
Country Grew up inIndia, USA, Canada
Vegan diet excludes all meat, fish and dairy products as well as any food derived from a living animal such as eggs. A Vegan person is a strict vegetarian, who eats only foods of plant origin.
Veg, Jain, Vegan
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