I am a Masters in Engineering. My in.sta is given at the end. I am backed with a strong academic background. Currently, I am working as a Mechanical / Production Engineer.I thrive in a culture of honesty, goodwill, compassion.
Respect and honesty are the two values that I consider important in any relationship and I wish that my future partner possesses them both. Please feel free to connect to me any time. waseimName Visible on Login
Country Living inAustria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France... more, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands Antilles, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA
Annual IncomePKR less than 1 lakh to greater than 1 crore, Upto GBP 125,000... more, Upto AED 500,000, Upto USD 200,000
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