I have completed my Masters in Management. Growing up, I was a disciplined and focused student with a good academic record. Currently, I am working as a Banking Professional.By nature, I am a caring, kind and loving person. For better professional exposure, I moved to Canada in 2017. Respect and honesty are the two values that I consider important in any relationship and I wish that my future partner possesses them both. Feel free to contact if my profile is suitable for you.
lifestyle & appearance
Doesn't Drink
Doesn't Smoke
Hindu, Hindi
Lives in Burlington, Ontario, Canada (Permanent Resident)
Religion / CommunitySpiritual - not religious, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Buddhist
Mother TonguePunjabi, Hindi, English
Country Living inCanada
State Living inOntario
Annual IncomeUpto USD 125,000
Vegan diet excludes all meat, fish and dairy products as well as any food derived from a living animal such as eggs. A Vegan person is a strict vegetarian, who eats only foods of plant origin.
Veg, Jain, Vegan
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