It is a pleasure sharing a few words about my son.He has completed his B. Tech Mechanical from Adisankara Institute of Science & Technology, Kalady and M.S Automotive from Hertfordshire University, UK. Now he is working as a Manager of a Automotive Sales and Service Unit near London. He has a brother, Sanjay, who was working at Federal Institute of Science & Technology, Ang
Name Visible on Loginy as Network/ System support Official. Now resigned and working at Manchester. His wife Aswani, hailing from Pulpally, Wayanad is a Doctor ( BAMS) now studying PG for Global Health Management at Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester. They have a little master Harshwardhan aged 3 years. I am
Name Visible on Login, retired from Federal Bank as Manager. My wife, Sujatha is also retired from Kancor Ingredients Ang
Name Visible on Loginy as Lead Manager, Accounts and Finance. We are staying at Ang
Name Visible on Loginy, Ernakulam District near Cochin International Airport. Ang
Name Visible on Loginy. My son,
Name Visible on Login is a hardworking and a self made person. He needs a
... more loving and caring girl from a good family who can be with him in all ups and downs of life.