I work full-time as a Software Engineer and have completed all my post-secondary education in Canada, earning a B.Eng. in Computer Engineering in 2013, MBA in 2018, and MSc in Computer Science in 2024. I've been living in Canada for the past 16 years, but I grew up in Mumbai in a close-knit, loving, and supportive family.I have a passion for traveling and love exploring new places, experiencing different cultures, and trying out various cuisines. I'm health-conscious and make it a point to work out regularly, but I'm also a big foodie who can't resist chocolate and ice cream. I enjoy hiking, and together with my dog, I've visited many national and provincial parks across Atlantic Canada. Traveling also satisfies my interest in photography (though I'm an amateur), and I love capturing beautiful moments, chasing sunsets, and adding new adventures to my ever-growing bucket list.In addition to traveling, I enjoy watching movies, and working on personal projects. I'd love to meet someone... more who is kind, supportive, ambitious, fun-loving, and, most importantly, a great friend. I believe that a solid friendship is the foundation of a great relationship, so getting to know each other first is something I value. And if you haven't guessed from my photos already, I'm a big dog lover. For the past 10 years, I've had a golden retriever who's been my loyal companion.
CuisineAmerican, Arabic, Chinese, Continental, Fast food, Gujarati Read more
MoviesAction, Comedy, Documentaries, Romantic, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Read more
SportsBadminton, Card games, Cycling, Football, Working out Read more
Interests & More
Favourite Cuisine
American, Arabic, Chinese, Continental, Fast food, Gujarati, Italian, Japanese, Konkan, Lebanese, Mexican, Moghlai, North Indian, Persian, Punjabi, Rajasthani, Seafood, Sindhi, South Indian, Spanish, Thai
Preferred Movies
Action, Comedy, Documentaries, Romantic, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, World cinema
Sports / Fitness Activities
Badminton, Card games, Cycling, Football, Working out, Cardio Workouts, Tennis, Weight training
Age29 to 32
Height4' 5"(134cm) to 5' 7"(170cm)
Marital StatusNever Married
Religion / CommunityHindu
Mother TongueMarathi
Manglik / Chevvai dosham
Manglik /Chevvai Dosham is determined by the position of the stars at the time of your birth. In case of Hindu marriages it is generally preferred that a Manglik person marries a Manglik person.
No Mangliks
Country Living inCanada
Annual IncomeAbove USD 80,000
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