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Welcome to Shaadi Pride.
This is where we celebrate Success Stories.
Anand Sawkar & Ramya Pai
13 January 2014
I remember when I was in school, they would ask, 'What are you going to be when you grow up?' and then you'd have to draw a picture of it. I drew a picture of myself as a bride, and has made it come true today. It all started through an interest sent by him. I ignored thinking its someone not from my caste, until one day I casually went through his profile again and discussed with my parents about it. Soon calls were made, meetings were held and even before we realized, dates were fixed. All so smoothly and perfectly. Thanks to the kind of connectivity we got via that made two people from totally different places find each. Its still surprising and amusing how we met cause for me it was something I'd never believed in finding the perfect life partner. Now we're two of a kind and looking forward to our beautiful fairytale wedding. Getting married to him will be the best thing that will happen to me. There is a lot of understanding and love. This platform helped me find the person I was looking for. Someone who would let me be myself and keep me happier than, I am now. Can't wait to start this beautiful journey together counting days. :)